Machibouke wo Kuu (待ちぼうけを食う - Chilling Out)

Dec 7, 2018 23:39
Machibouke wo Kuu

Now I am doing 'machibouke wo kuu' (待ちぼうけを食う).

Since 'machi' (待ち) means "to wait" and 'bouke/houke' (ぼうけ/ほうけ) means "abstracted," the combination 'machibouke' (待ちぼうけ) means that a person who you are waiting for eventually does not come or you are sick of waiting for someone.

In addition, 'kuu' (食う) is a bit violent form of the verb 'taberu' (食べる - "to eat"), but it can also mean to be subjected to an undesirable action from someone.

That is to say, 'machibouke wo kuu' means that "to be subjected to an act of waiting for someone" or "to be stood up by someone."

be stood up


「待ち」は "wait"、「ぼうけ」は "abstracted" を意味し、「待ちぼうけ」は「待っている相手がついに来ないこと」や「待ち疲れてぼんやりすること」を意味します。

また、「食う」は "eat" を意味する動詞「食べる」を少し乱暴にした言葉ですが、「望ましくない行為を身に受ける」ことを意味することもできます。

No. 1 バネッサ's correction
  • Since 'machi' (待ち) means "to wait" and 'bouke/houke' (ぼうけ/ほうけ) means "abstracted," the combination 'machibouke' (待ちぼうけ) means that a person who you are waiting for eventually does not come or you are sick of waiting for someone.
  • Since 'machi' (待ち) means "to wait" and 'bouke/houke' (ぼうけ/ほうけ) means "abstracted," the combination 'machibouke' (待ちぼうけ) means that a person who you are waiting for neventuallyr does not comes or you are sick of waiting for someone.
  • In addition, 'kuu' (食う) is a bit violent form of the verb 'taberu' (食べる - "to eat"), but it can also mean to be subjected to an undesirable action from someone.
  • In addition, 'kuu' (食う) is a bit of a violent form of the verb 'taberu' (食べる - "to eat"), but it can also mean to be subjected to an undesirable action from someone.
  • That is to say, 'machibouke wo kuu' means that "to be subjected to an act of waiting for someone" or "to be stood up by someone."
  • That is to say, 'machibouke wo kuu' means that "to be subjected to an act of waiting for someone" or "to be stood up by someone."
  • be stood up
  • To be stood up
What you originally wrote is pretty much perfect! Just changed it to sound a little more natural :)
Thank you so much for the correction! :)